In our recent episode featuring Eric Klisz, HR Business Leader from MasterCard, Eric discussed examples of how they transformed their learning to offer a greater experience through Blended Learning. MasterCard received a Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards in Blended Learning, and during our interview, Eric revealed key considerations around design, engagement, and results.
For employees to be effective in their jobs it is essential that learning be embedded in their daily activities. According to Brandon Hall Group’s study 70/20/10 Study, reported that 61% of employees required access to learning resources weekly or more often. 88% reported they were able to improve team performance by having access to collaborative tools allowing them to connect frequently. In Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 State of Training showed that Traditional forms of training are still prevailing and effective such as ILT, however peer-to-peer learning and on-the-job exercises are used about half as often and are just as effective. Additional evidence indicates that a blended learning approach is more agile, flexible and aligns more effectively with the shifting learning priorities and needs of the business.
Listen to our episode to learn more about Eric Klisz’s views on the learning industry and his experience as it relates to social learning, building effective teams while providing examples of their effective Blended Learning Programs.
You can download the show anytime at the HCMx Radio site.
–Rachel Cooke, Chief Operating Officer, Brandon Hall Group