The HR Technology Conference: Are You Ready?

HR technology conferenceThe HR Technology Conference is less than 30 days away. This news can be both exciting and intimidating for many solution providers getting ready to announce new products and acquire new customers. The pressure can feel even more intensified when sharing the same Expo Hall with your competitors. Whether you are attending for the first time or you are an HR Tech Veteran, figuring out a strategy around this event is an important consideration. Before October, you should think about a plan for getting visibility, meeting with clients and prospects, and attending sessions – because it goes by fast! Naomi Bloom gives some great tips for attendees and providers. Here are a few additional suggestions you might want to consider:

Do Your Research: September is a busy month, especially when many providers have customer events and customer travel. October will creep up quickly and it is important to do your research on the companies attending this year’s conference, themes in the agenda, sponsors and sessions. Conference Co-Chair Steve Boese put together an amazing agenda this year so you won’t want to miss out. You may want to create a calendar for your team and block off times for meetings you want to schedule and sessions you want to attend. Also, begin your outreach early.

Meeting with Analysts: Scheduling analyst meetings can feel overwhelming so make it simple. The press room is always a good place to meet with analysts or bloggers (unless analysts have a private room). You don’t need a complicated schedule – just a simple update from both sides or a (very) short demo you might want to show.

Awesome New Technologies: These are the companies that are challenging what doesn’t work in HCM and offering innovative alternatives and solutions. This is a session, from 1:30-3pm Thursday, Oct. 9, worth attending for both seasoned and startup providers.

Pick Your PR Firm Carefully: PR firms are not all created equally and yes, some are far better than others (The Devon Group is one example). Do your homework here and get references. You might want to consider communication style, domain expertise and follow-through as key criteria for selecting the right provider.

Create a Plan for Follow-Up: It might seem strange to think about a follow-up plan before the conference. But communication with prospects, bloggers, partners, speakers and customers is an important part of your overall conference strategy. After all, the follow-up is what will lead to new opportunities and new business. Provide content, personal emails, schedule a call, schedule a meeting, and make sure you keep engaging the network you create.

Good luck with your HR Technology Conference planning ! I will moderating the session, Becoming an Employer of Choice: Lessons from HR Leaders. I hope to see you there!

Madeline Laurano, VP and Principal Analyst,
Talent Acquisition Practice, Brandon Hall Group

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Madeline Laurano