You May be Due for an HR Technology Checkup

I’ve been having trouble seeing clearly lately, even with my glasses.  It’s funny how it works.  You start noticing quite gradually that things are a little fuzzy.  Then, you find yourself either holding things really close to your nose or in my case, at arm’s length to read.  When it gets to the point that you can’t read a medicine bottle even with your glasses on, it’s suddenly clear that it’s time for a checkup.

Unfortunately, we don’t tend to think the same way about our HR technology solutions.  Companies purchase a solution that typically solves some immediate problem.  They often aren’t thinking 5 years out to predict whether the solution will meet the anticipated needs.  While no business person has a crystal ball, if you work in your industry or role long enough, you begin to be able to predict how the next few years will play out.

The challenge for HR leaders is to be able to take what you know about your organization and start unraveling how the existing processes either support or hinder your future progress.  Not holding on to outdated technology solutions is also important to supporting the future strategic direction of the organization.  Much like getting your regular checkup from your optometrist, you need to look at how well your existing technology is performing and make reviews and adjustments.

In Brandon Hall Group’s 2014 Talent Management Systems Survey, we asked respondents to share how long their current talent management system or solution has been in place.

talent management system evaluation

As you see, a majority of respondents — 52% to be exact — said their solution has already been in place more than 3 years.  This demonstrates the need for HR professionals and other business leaders to examine the current solutions they are using.  It is also a call to solution providers that you have great opportunity when it comes to an audience that may need a checkup.

So, where do you start if you have not taken a look at this in your organization for a while?  Check out my posts, 5 Signs You’re Ready for a New HR System and  HR Technology Strategy: The Questions Before Implementation, to get you started.  By taking a proactive look, you’ll have as close to a crystal ball as you can.

Trish McFarlane, VP and Principal Analyst,
Human Resources Practice, Brandon Hall Group


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Trish McFarlane