Talent Acquisition 2014: A Look Back and Ahead

Talent acquisition is the most complex area of human capital management, yet many companies lack the necessary resources, tools and capabilities to build a results-driven program. Instead, they continue to rely on outdated processes and technology. In fact, only 8% of companies have an optimized talent acquisition strategy.

As the workforce changes, talent acquisition needs to keep pace and recruiting leaders must rethink their approach to finding talent and focus on the candidate experience. Leading companies are beginning to take a step back, re-examining their recruitment processes, and providing the same rigor around the idea of an integrated talent acquisition model that will drive candidate experience. These companies are implementing programs and technology solutions that will connect the dots between employer branding, sourcing, screening, assessments, hiring and onboarding.

To wrap up 2014 and kick off 2015, Brandon Hall Group highlights key developments this year, predicts 2015 trends, and highlights several research reports that provide guidance on how organizations can improve their talent acquisition strategy and processes in the year ahead.

Looking Back at 2014:

  • End-to-end talent acquisition requires its own integrated model separate from talent management.

  • Recruitment marketing is a key priority for companies looking to identify and attract top talent.

  • Onboarding requires companies to balance both the tactical with the strategic elements of the new hire experience.

The following research reports outline the strategies companies must embrace when transforming talent acquisition from a tactical to a strategic endeavor:

KnowledgeGraphic: Use of Social in Talent AcquisitionThis KnowledgeGraphic looks at the use of social technologies in talent acquisition based on results from Brandon Hall Group’s 2014 Social  Talent Acquisition Pulse Survey. In particular, this graphic looks at key business objectives and how organizations put social tools to use in various stages of the talent acquisition process.

5 KPIs of High-Performing OnboardingOnboarding is a combination of forms management, tasks management, and socialization. In this KnowledgePoints report, we use data from Brandon Hall Group’s 2014 Talent Acquisition Benchmarking Study to elicit 5 key performance indicators of high-performance onboarding.

Talent Acquisition Technology: Navigating the Solution Provider LandscapeTalent acquisition technology has come a long way over the last 15 years. The emergence of the Internet brought us online job boards. Online job boards brought us an influx of job applications. An influx of job applications drove demand for applicant tracking systems. And with the emergence of cloud-based, Soſtware-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, applicant tracking systems (ATS) have become the backbone of talent acquisition today. This white paper divides TA technology into three categories, makes sense of the myriad offerings, identifies leading technology innovators, and gives you the ammunition you need to navigate this complex and fast-changing market.

Predictions for 2015

  • End-to-end talent acquisition: A few years ago, the biggest trend in HCM was the concept of an integrated talent management strategy- a way for organizations to build consistency throughout all of their talent processes. Although this integrated model has provided tremendous value to the overall business, many recruitment functions have lost their way. By focusing solely on integration, they have failed to address the growing complexities of talent acquisition. Leading companies are beginning to take a step back, re-examining their recruitment processes and providing the same rigor around the idea of an integrated talent acquisition model. These companies are implementing programs and technology solutions that will connect the dots between employer branding, sourcing, screening, assessments, hiring and onboarding.

  • Video: It is no surprise that video has disrupted the talent acquisition market. Organizations regardless of industry or company size are embracing video tools for branding, sourcing, interviewing and onboarding. We will continue to see video solutions become part of end-to-end talent acquisition.

  • Recruitment analytics: Big data is the big topic in HCM. As companies look to make sense of various sources of candidate data, recruitment analytics is becoming a popular topic. With the right information and the right tools, companies can make better decisions around their hires and measure the effectiveness of their recruitment efforts. The challenge is selecting the right provider and defining metrics that will align with business objectives. We predict more organizations will include recruitment analytics as a key requirement when evaluating recruitment technology.

Madeline Laurano, VP and Principal Analyst for Talent Acquisition,
and Kyle Lagunas, Talent Acquisition Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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Madeline Laurano