Event Preview: Top 6 Talent Management Actions for 2015

On Dec. 17, I have the pleasure of participating in a webinar with the great team at PeopleFluent.  Our topic: Get Ready for 2015: The Top 6 Talent Management Actions You Need to Take. It’s that time of year when we all focus on starting with a clean slate. It’s a time of greater focus on the business goals for the year ahead and a good time to spend an hour with us to find out what you can do to be more successful.

I’m excited to partner with PeopleFluent on this project because as a global provider of total workforce social HCM technology, they are laser-focused on helping organizations reduce turnover, increase productivity and financial results, and fully engage their workforce. They understand the speed of today’s business and rise to help organizations meet the challenges.

As a sneak peek, here are some of the topics we’ll tackle during the webinar:

  • Developing high-potential leaders at all levels. In Brandon Hall Group’s 2014 State of Talent Management Study, almost half (48%) of all global organizations reported that they have not defined a leadership strategy. Of those organizations, more than one-quarter (28%) reported that their revenue was below that of their competition. Investing in a pipeline of leaders is critical to business success. And it’s more than just hiring high-performing executives. Of the organizations that responded, 98% plan to increase their focus on developing leaders at all levels.
  • Developing a strong workforce planning strategy. Business professionals have been focused on new and emerging HR technologies, social media, employee engagement, and compliance for several years. Often, workforce planning and management just falls into place, but not at optimal efficiency and effectiveness levels. In 2015, organizations that focus their efforts into a strategic approach will see better business results.

In addition, I’ll be talking about the importance and benefits of having an integrated talent management strategy. We’ll also cover the three key strategies high-performing organizations use when creating an integrated talent management approach. Lastly, with the continued importance of HR technology in this rapidly changing time, we’ll discuss how to use technology as a game changer in your organization.

I hope you’ll join me and the PeopleFluent team on Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 2 pm ET/1 pm CT.  Registration is free so spread the word to all the HR and business leaders you know!

Trish McFarlane, VP and Principal Analyst,
HR/Workforce Management Practice, Brandon Hall Group

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Trish McFarlane