HCMx Radio Episode 3: Talking Talent Acquisition with Kyle Lagunas

BHG-HCMx-Radio-Logo-150Tune in for episode 3 of Brandon Hall Group’s HCMx Radio, Talking Talent Acquisition with Kyle Lagunas.  In this show, my guest is Kyle Lagunas, Talent Acquisition Analyst at Brandon Hall Group. Kyle has been busy working on a number of studies related to best practices in Talent Acquisition. We talk about the importance of measuring impact of social recruiting strategies as well as using social to increase and enable employee engagement. We also touch on the state of social when it comes to employer branding.

As a sneak peek, Kyle tells listeners what differentiates organizations with mature social talent acquisition strategies and what we all can learn from their best practices. Organizations that have strategies to measure the real impact of their efforts fare far better than those using ad hoc approaches to social. For example, organizations are twice as likely to see significant impact on their ability to hire better talent if they had a strategy with goals and KPIs. They do this by building campaigns to target specific demographics, then measuring if the strategy is successful. They are using those results to make decisions about future steps in the talent acquisition strategy.

Kyle also shares his research on how to use social to enable better engagement by using candidate relationship management tools. He shares results like the fact that organizations that invest in CRM are twice as likely to see improvements in key demographic recruiting and quality in candidates.

Having a strategic approach to talent acquisition gives you the ability to speak executive language and convince C-suite leaders to make decisions to invest in hiring in a way they may not be doing now. Catch the whole show so you can hear all the great data and examples of how you can improve your approach in 2015.

Trish McFarlane, VP and Principal Analyst,
Human Resources, Brandon Hall Group 

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Trish McFarlane