HCMx Radio: Top Benefits of the 70: 20: 10 Learning Framework

BHG-HCMx-Radio-Logo-150Starting today, January 26, you can hear the latest episode of HCMx Radio.  Join me for The 4 Biggest Benefits of the 70:20:10 Learning Framework

On this episode, David Wentworth, Brandon Hall Group’s Senior Learning Analyst, joins me to discuss his research findings from the 70: 20: 10 Learning Framework study.  Years ago, the majority of learning was classroom or instructor-based.  Today, that view has flipped.  Now, successful organizations are seeing better results when the breakdown is 70% experiential, 20% social, and 10% formal.

We talk about the link between learning and individual performance and the impact that it has on the overall organizational performance.  David also shares his insights on collaborative learning, mobile learning and social learning.  It is great information for anyone grappling with how to improve your learning strategy in your organization.

If you’d like to connect with David to learn more or ask a question, you can find him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Happy Listening!

Trish McFarlane, VP and Principal Analyst,
Human Resources Practice, Brandon Hall Group



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Trish McFarlane