Building a Path to Career Success

cornerstone-logoMuch has been made of 2015 being the “year of the employee.” With the global economy seemingly stabilized and growth on the agenda, organizations are realizing that “where else are they going to go?” is not a sufficient retention strategy. And while retention is critical in all industries, it can be literally life or death in the healthcare industry. Which is why I’ll be joining Jeff Stevens, CHRO of the University of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical Center, for a May 12 webinar: Creating the Path to Career Success for Healthcare Workers. We will discuss how the hospital is using career-pathing to develop and retain key staff.

Data from Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 HCM Technology Trends Study shows a shift in priorities that places employees at the center of HCM processes in an effort to create win-win situations for organizations and individuals. This includes emphasizing self-service access to workforce and talent data and processes, and focusing on user experience as one of the top three technology selection criteria.

But beyond technology, organizations are focusing on processes like succession and career planning. The ability to be successful in creating a two-way conversation between employers and employees around career paths and growth and development depends on having a common language around talent, and around what is required to be successful in each role.

Some people hate the word “competencies,” but that is what competencies are – a consistent definition of the elements linked to performance in a role. And competency-based career paths are a critical part of how the University of Rochester Medical Center is retaining highly skilled staff. It’s changing how individuals and leaders look at roles and skill sets. You’re not just an oncology lab technician; you’re a researcher with potential for roles in cardiology or neurology. By opening up a dialogue and creating a language to talk about individuals and roles, organizations can beat the odds on retaining key talent.

I hope you will join us May 12 as we share research and real-world experiences on creating a path to success for your key talent.

Mollie Lombardi, VP and Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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Mollie Lombardi