Strategic Talent Acquisition: 3 Recommendations for Retailers

Retailers face a unique set of challenges when identifying and attracting talent. With most of the workforce comprised of hourly or part-time labor, finding quality talent in a short period of time is no small task. In fact, 67% of retail organizations are struggling to fill roles either because of a shortage of talent or increasing competition in the market. When you factor in complex customer expectations, the lack of a traditional recruitment function, and internal resistance to change, talent acquisition becomes a very complex endeavor.

How can retailers create a strategic talent acquisition model? How does the candidate experience translate into the customer experience? What tools will help to improve efficiency and quality of hire?

If you are struggling to answer any of these questions, we have good news. On May 19, Brandon Hall Group joined IBM and Sears Holdings to share key trends, best practices and recommendations for retail organizations looking to improve their talent acquisition strategies.

Below are a few of the topics covered:

  1. Your Candidates Are Your Customers: For retail companies, candidates applying for positions are also customers purchasing merchandise in their stores. For this reason, the candidate experience should have the same rigor that goes into the customer experience and customer satisfaction programs. Currently, 58% of retail organizations have some type of candidate relationship in place.
  1. Technology Makes a Difference: Companies that automate the recruitment process are able to significantly improve efficiency as well as the candidate experience. Nearly 60% of retail organizations have an ATS in place and 72% cited sourcing technology as a priority.
  1. Identify Critical Roles: In any organization there are critical roles responsible for driving revenue, performance and client outcomes. Although these leadership roles have an immediate impact on achieving higher levels of business performance, organizations often feel challenged identifying these roles and matching employee strengths to these roles. For retail organizations, identifying critical roles is a necessity and 72% of these companies have a clear picture of what these roles include.

These are just a few of the reasons why retail organizations are thinking a little bit differently about identifying and attracting talent. You can listen to the web cast here.

Madeline Laurano, VP and Principal Analyst,
Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group

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Madeline Laurano