Happy Holidays from Brandon Hall Group

Because of its numerous holidays and celebrations, December is a very special month. Christmas, Kwanzaa and Chanukah are just a few of the many special occasions.

In the United States, the most commonly recognized and celebrated December holiday is Christmas. But with the increased number of remote and international workers, it is important to recognize traditions across all cultures to promote and maintain a diverse and inclusive organization.

It’s not just a feel-good proposition. Recognizing cultural differences within your company pays off in increased employee engagement and a richer company culture. It is also a great way to broaden your organization’s talent pool by ensuring that a diverse mix of individuals are welcome.

In a recent Brandon Hall Group case study, it was reported that Concentrix created a safe and inclusive workplace to attract and retain the widest talent pool possible. By embracing the uniqueness of individuals, Concentrix made itself the employer of choice for many highly talented candidates. This organization is now a gold award winner in Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence in Workforce Management category and was recognized in 2017 with gold from the Stevie Awards for Great Employers program in the category of Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion.

Celebrate your individuals and their holidays this season!

-Quenten Kadlec, Community Organizer, Brandon Hall Group

For more information on our research, please visit www.brandonhall.com

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Quenten Kadlec