New Toolkit to Advance Women in Technology Leadership

  • – By Rachel Cooke, COO and Principal HCM Analyst

I am excited to announce the launch of the Women in Technology Leadership Toolkit, a collaboration between Brandon Hall Group and Blue Circle Leadership. We partnered with their renowned founder, Bonnie St. John to create a robust toolkit to empower women and men as advocates for change within their organizations.

Nowhere is there more opportunity – or potential disaster – for gender balance in the workplace than in the tech sector. Technology is changing our world at its most rapid pace in history. And the representation of women in technology leadership lags behind national norms at an alarming rate.

We spent more than a year conducting qualitative and quantitative research to help clarify the context, communicate the business case and engage others in making bold changes for advancing women in technology leadership.

The toolkit provides resources for leaders to expand the number of women in technology, so their organizations can compete in the global marketplace for the best talent — regardless of gender.


There are three parts to the toolkit:

  • Part I: Raising Awareness: A Multimedia Approach
  • Part 2: Building and Using a Tailored Business Case
  • Part 3: Creating and Sustaining Change

Take a glimpse at what’s inside the toolkit

There is much more to come and I hope all leaders — men and women in business, technology and HR — can use these tools to become experts at communicating the facts, building their business case and moving the needle.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like more information.

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Quenten Kadlec



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Quenten Kadlec