How to Follow Our Conference from Home

BHGECONF-LOGO-FINAL-V3-PNGIn case you have been hiding under a rock these past few months, you might not realize that this week will be a big one for us here at Brandon Hall Group. We will be hosting our Excellence Conference in Fort Lauderdale, and it’s destined to be an amazing show.

But we get it. Some of you can’t make it for various reasons—scheduling, work, family, travel, other obligations, etc. But never fear! We have several ways for you to follow the event from the comfort of your office.

The Hashtag

If you’re a fellow Twitter user (follow me or the official Brandon Hall Group account for updates this week), you can follow the hashtag: #Excellence15.

For those unfamiliar with Twitter, a hashtag is basically a way to categorize information. To put it simply: it’s a conversation around a specific topic. In this case, it’s a back channel for quips and quotes from the event. You’ll catch sound byte snippets, shout outs to award winners, photos, and other fun stuff if you follow the hashtag.

The Blog

While Twitter is known for short/fast messaging, this blog is known for long-form content that challenges your assumptions, encourages new thinking, and distributes best practices from some of the world’s leading organizations.

We will be posting content on sessions, daily wrap ups, and great discussions from the conference in general throughout this week. I guarantee you won’t want to miss it!

If you’re not yet subscribed to the blog, I encourage you to do so! Just click here. Then you won’t miss a single item from this week’s conference or the upcoming research and other information we’ll be sharing in coming weeks.

Questions about the conference? Is there a specific session you’d like us to share content about? Feel free to reach out to me and I’ll make sure we get it covered. Have a great week!

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Ben Eubanks



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Ben Eubanks