Talent Management is a Business Imperative (#Excellence15)

When we follow up with organizations about their talent management practices, we talk with the executives. Why? Because talent management is a business imperative.

A few minutes into the Integrated Talent Management preconference session, I knew this was going to be a great learning opportunity. This is a brief summary of the session (so far!).

A few key items from the session I enjoyed:

  • Continuous processes are key to talent management success. Organizations with disparate, one-off talent objectives are less likely to see positive business results from those practices.
  • The most pressing talent concerns according to our recent study:
    • Sustaining employee engagement (30%)
    • Developing high potential leaders and succession management (27%)







Which of these points is especially pertinent for you? 

We’ll be sharing more about the conference this week. If you want to follow along from home, here’s how

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Ben Eubanks



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Ben Eubanks