Welcome to Human Resources Today

It’s a new day here on the Brandon Hall Group blogs.  It’s Human Resources (HR) Today!

What is that, you wonder?  Well, as the newest addition to the Brandon Hall Group team, it’s my role as the VP of HR Practice to not only provide strategic advise and research to clients, but to share information here with you.  I’ll be focused on growing the core HR practice.  What that means is that I’ll be thinking and sharing about areas such as:

  • HR Technology Systems
  • Workforce Planning
  • Compliance
  • Benefits
  • Payroll
  • Organizational Development
  • HR Strategy

Now you may be wondering what qualifies me to handle this daunting task.  For those who may not know me, I thought I’d share a few questions/ answers. 

So, why should we listen to you or read what you have to say?

Well, I’ve been a HR executive and practitioner almost 17 years before moving into this role.  This means that I have been on the front line working with leaders and employees for my entire career.  I’ve been a problem solver, a teacher, a psychologist (of sorts) and even a cheerleader.  I’ve dealt with the issue of being short staffed, of deciding on technology purchases and then implementing them, of changing healthcare vendors and acquiring companies.  I’ve also been writing one of the top blogs in the HR industry for the past five years, so I know my stuff. 

What makes HR Today different from other blogs?

I’d like to think that this unique combination of access to the top research in our industry along with practitioner experience will be the factor that makes this blog unique.  You’ll get all of the serious practicality you need sprinkled in with some fun, feisty commentary from yours truly.  Now, how can you pass that up? 

How often will you post?

Initially, the plan is a couple times a week.  The real key here is that I will only write what I think is IMPERATIVE for you to know in order to help you in your workplace.  I will also entertain requests, so if you have a burning core HR question or post idea, shoot it my way at [email protected] or @TrishMcFarlane and we’ll see if we can get it added as a future post. 

What else will you cover?

Great question!  I’ll be spending time at HR industry events and analyst events so that I can bring you the most current information from the industry.  I’ll be networking and asking a ton of questions.  Sure, I’ll sacrifice a suitcase or two along the way, but you’re worth it.  I’ll also be sharing research tidbits from Brandon Hall Group with you and asking for your opinion too.

So you see, this is the start of a great relationship for us.  Thanks in advance for coming along for the ride.

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Trish McFarlane



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Trish McFarlane