Brandon Hall Group featured on HR Happy Hour


On March 3, on the HR Happy Hour ShowSteve Boese and I sat down with Mike Cooke, Chairman and CEO of Brandon Hall Groupand welcomed him to the show. Since I joined Brandon Hall Group as the VP of HR Practice/ Principal Analyst, this seemed like the opportune time to discuss what analyst firms do and how HR leaders can be helped by the advisory services they provide in addition to the research. In this episode, we talked about some of the upcoming research Brandon Hall Group is working on as well as the recently launched Brandon Hall Group HR Systems Survey.

You can listen to the show on the show page here, or using the widget player below. Additionally for you smartphone addicts, you can get the show on Apple’s iTunes or for Android devices, using an app called Stitcher Radio. In both cases just search for “HR Happy Hour” to download the show and to subscribe to the podcast.

Thanks for listening.


Trish McFarlane, VP of Human Resource Practice and Principal Analyst,

Brandon Hall Group

Twitter: @Trish McFarlane

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Trish McFarlane