Jump-Start Your Leadership Development Culture at HCM Excellence Conference 2015

HCM Excellence Conference

You’ve heard it before: “Lift your leadership development” … “Leadership development is our focus this year” … “Strong leaders drive our organization” …“Effective leaders are what we need to get to the next level,” and more of the same.

Those inspirational thoughts are nice. But nice thoughts don’t get any organization measurable business impact. If you want to design and implement leadership development in a fashion that will accelerate your business results, then you’ll want to join and commit to contributing in Brandon Hall Group’s 3-hour interactive workshop “Accelerating Business Performance Through Leadership Development.” It is held Jan. 30, 2015, as part of Brandon Hall Group’s HCM Excellence Conference 2015, Jan. 28-30, at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, FL.

I will lead this dynamic session, where you will receive our recent high-performance leadership development research, share our analytics-based framework to diagnose the current state of your leadership development maturity, review our model for evaluating the level of business impact that your leadership development is currently having on the business, and document a short-list of practical actions you can take to move your leadership development from a set of programs to a continuous culture of high-performance.

So What Are The Workshop Details?

This collaborative, “let’s make it happen” session can be summed up like this:

  • Targeted for executives and other business and HR/Talent leaders.
  • Facilitated by me – a 20+-year industry expert – and Brandon Hall Group COO Rachel Cooke, an executive and business owner.
  • Designed to provoke healthy debate and challenge your current approach.
  • A one-of-a-kind development experience with peers from across industries with similar challenges and success stories.
  • Regular standalone price for a 3-hour session like this can run you between $1,000 and $2,000. But you get this 3-hour session as part of HCM Excellence Conference 2015, along with 12 other breakout sessions, 2 pre-conference workshops, solution provider briefings, two general sessions and several networking events and receptions. Early-bird discounts are available through New Year’s Day.

How Do I Sign Up?

Just simply register for our Conference and mark your calendar for 9 am ET, Jan. 30, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six in Fort Lauderdale (room TBD). Oh yeah, did you catch that? Fort Lauderdale! In January!

What if I Want to Attend, but Can’t Make it Jan. 30?

This 3-hour leadership development workshop is a one-of-a-kind offering specially designed for inclusion as part of our very low Conference registration fee – priced lower than most workshop-only offerings. If you just can’t find a way to find your way to Fort Lauderdale, or you are planning to attend but have to leave early, you will have an opportunity to join another session post-Conference via our Brandon Hall Group Academy. Academy offerings are currently being scheduled in various US locations, in a 3-hour standard version as well as 1-day and 2-day versions during which we will dig deep into the execution tools and plans. Academy sessions will be priced significantly higher than the HCM Excellence Conference 2015, but you can still count on them to be of immeasurable value.

I am looking forward to you joining me on January 30th to begin, or continue, the invention of high-performance leadership development at your organization!

Until next time….

Laci Loew, VP and Principal Analyst,
Talent Management Practice, Brandon Hall Group

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Laci Loew