HR Technology Conference: Day 3 Wrap-Up

As we near the end of another amazing year at The HR Technology Conference, several themes have remained strong throughout the past three days including analytics, talent acquisition, workforce management and engagement. These themes are not new to the world of HR but the technology that enables them has changed significantly over the past year. Both traditional providers and startups are rethinking what hasn’t been working and offering solutions to support HR leaders in their new role, as business partners. Many of these themes and technology solutions were discussed during Brandon Hall Group’s expert session. Below are some of the questions that we answered:

1.     What should you consider when moving from on-premise solutions to the cloud?

Price, ownership, change management, data, security are all factors to consider when moving from an on-premise solution to the cloud. IT should be involved in these discussions both in selecting a system and implementing.

2.     What happens when you want to get rid of your current provider after you have started implementation?

Unfortunately, companies find out too late that a provider does not have the resources to support an implementation. Companies might have success requesting a new dedicated team or even looking at a third-party consultant for support.

3.     What are the red flags to look out for when implementing a system?

Sometimes the red flags exist with the organization and not the vendor. If you have not figured out your processes and are unclear about an implementation plan, the technology will not solve your problems. Figure out who needs to be involved, and what your processes look like. Not everything rests with the vendor. The buying organization has to have clear vision going into the implementation.

4.     What is the greatest indicator that an implementation has been successful?

Having a methodology and plan for measuring the success of your implementation is important. Faster is not always better in implementation – often times delays can occur because internal processes are not carefully mapped out and companies encounter internal obstacles that slow down an implementation. Adoption, however, is often the best measure of a successful implementation.

Madeline Laurano, VP and Principal Analyst,
Talent Acquisition Practice, Brandon Hall Group

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Madeline Laurano