Do You Want to Improve Your Talent Acquisition Strategy?

talent acquisition strategy webinarOnly 8% of organizations surveyed by Brandon Hall Group have a fully optimized recruitment strategy – a clear vision for aligning recruitment to overall efficiencies.

Given the growing complexities of talent acquisition, leading companies are beginning to take a step back, reexamining their recruitment processes, and providing the same rigor around the idea of a total talent acquisition model. These companies implement programs — and select technology solutions — that will connect the dots between every element of recruitment (employer branding, sourcing, screening, assessment, hiring and onboarding) for both full-time and contingent labor.

Next week, Kyle Lagunas and I will be joining Peoplefluent on a webinar, Total Talent Acquisition: Three Phases of High Performance, to discuss how companies can think more strategically about total talent acquisition. We will share the Brandon Hall Group talent acquisition framework and discuss how critical a total talent acquisition system can be when looking at the full picture of identifying and attracting talent. During this presentation, we will provide companies with specific recommendations for considering total talent acquisition and selecting a provider to support these needs. We will also discuss how companies with a total talent acquisition system can improve business results, including:

  • 75% of companies that invest in total talent acquisition saw an increase in their company revenue
  • 70% of companies are able to meet key performance indicators
  • Companies with a total talent acquisition system are 3 times more likely to have a strategic approach to planning, sourcing, assessing, hiring and onboarding new talent

If you are looking to improve the efficiency of your recruitment process and align more closely with business objectives, please join us next week March 4 at 2pm EST.

Madeline Laurano, VP and Principal Analyst,
Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group

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Madeline Laurano