HCMx Radio: HCM Outlook 2015

As 2015 gets into full swing, organizations are shaking off the dust of the new year and digging into their 2015 strategies. With that in mind, Brandon Hall Group is sharing the results from our most recent study, HCM Outlook 2015. Last December and early last month, this study focused on asking executives from leading organizations to describe what their business priorities were for the coming year. While some of the items were not surprising, the data around how high- performing companies approach these areas led to some surprises.

I asked Mike Cooke, CEO of Brandon Hall Group, to join me for HCMx Radio Episode 6 (HCM Outlook 2015) to talk through the results of this study. As we know, talent seems to continue to be a top priority for organizations. In fact, our research showed it is one of the top three priorities. It’s possible to focus on priorities without being effective, though. Mike shared some insights on how companies are handling their talent attraction and management differently.  We also talked about developing leaders and teams.  Lastly, we talked compliance and how HR leaders can use compliance training to the benefit of the company.

Join in the show by downloading or listening via BlogtalkRadio. Then, share with all your colleagues. Feel free to give feedback via Twitter to @BrandonHallGrp or to me at @TrishMcFarlane.  Happy Listening!

Trish McFarlane, VP and Principal Analyst,
Human Resources, Brandon Hall Group

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Trish McFarlane