Five Companies with Leading Onboarding Programs

Onboarding is one of the topics that I get asked about more than any other. I’m not sure if it is because of the unique position between talent acquisition and learning or simply because people are starting to realize that there is an ROI for getting people up to speed quickly. Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 2.01.12 PM

In the eBook embedded below we explore five companies that are going above and beyond with their onboarding efforts. The list includes the following firms:

  • DeVry University
  • LinkedIn
  • International Finance Corporation
  • Motorola
  • Telus

One of my favorites is from DeVry. The company sees its program as part of a holistic talent approach, not simply a way to hand out tax forms and show people where the restrooms are. The educational institution specifically targeted a problem area (turnover) and developed this program to resolve it. After launching the new onboarding initiative, the firm was able to reduce voluntary turnover to less than half that of the industry average.

As you read through, consider which elements you might be interested in adding to your own onboarding initiative. And if you want to dig deeper and explore any of the case studies in their full text, just click here to download the eBook and within it, you will see buttons labeled “Learn More” where you’ll be able to download the case studies of your choice.


Which program do you think is most innovative? Why?

Ben Eubanks, Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group


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Ben Eubanks