Talent Management Workshop

Early Arrival to HCM Excellence Conference 2015 Gets You More Than a Good Seat

At most HR conferences, you pay for the main conference, and an extra fee for any pre- or post-conference workshops. But not at Brandon Hall Group’s new conference on human capital management excellence. While you need to register specifically for the pre-conference workshop, there is no extra charge.

What could be a better incentive to join me for a few hours of plain hard fun as we learn, diagnose, and build leading-practice talent management? During this 3-hour workshop, you will engage in a “roll up your sleeves” intensive session guided by Brandon Hall Group toolkits – the kind you can take home with you and use for initiating or re-designing high-performance talent management that makes a business difference.

Why attend Integrated Talent Management: Developing People to Drive Performance?

It simply does not matter which piece of research you review – they all say the same thing: high-performance talent management is nothing short of requisite to business performance. Yet 94% of organizations indicate their talent management inhibits business performance and growth, according to Brandon Hall Group 2014 Talent Management benchmarking research. If that didn’t get your attention, try this: Executives identified a talent management strategy as the second most critical strategy (only behind an operational strategy) for business success, yet 64% do not yet have a talent retention plan in place.

If you want to compete and thrive in today’s market, a high-performance talent management strategy is critical.

How Do I Sign Up for the Pre-Conference Workshop?

Just simply register for our HCM Conference and indicate you want to attend the pre-conference workshop, Integrated Talent Management: Developing People to Drive Performance. It is included in your registration fee. Space is limited, so you should register as soon as possible. Registering by Aug. 31 also guarantees you a super-early-bird rate.

We can’t guarantee that your best friend or competitor will be there, but we can promise that leaders interested in improving the business performance of their organization will be attending and encouraged to richly contribute. Since talent management is a business imperative, not just an HR challenge, we anticipate that workshop participants will be a mix of executives, other senior business leaders, and HR/talent professionals alike. Each of these leader segments has a vested responsibility in leveraging talent management to impact business results – whether it is understanding and executing on leading practice talent management practices, capturing the business impact of talent management, or figuring out how to sustain the business impact of talent management.

Will This Pre-Conference Workshop Be Offered On Other Dates?

This 3-hour workshop is a one-of-a-kind offering specially designed for inclusion as part of HCM Excellence Conference 2015. If you can’t find a way to participate in this one, you will have an opportunity to join another session via our Brandon Hall Group Academy. Sessions are currently being scheduled in various US locations in the spring of 2015, in a 3-hour standard version as well as a 2-day version during which we can really dig deep into the execution tools and plans. While Academy sessions will be fee-based, and likely higher than the conference itself, you can count on them to be of immeasurable value.

Please join me on January 28. Together we will chart your critical next steps in evolving your talent management to a people strategy that accelerates your business performance in a measurable way.

Until next time….

Laci Loew, Vice President Talent Management Practice
and, Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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Laci Loew