Richard Pachter, Author at BrandonHallGroup Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:35:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Richard Pachter, Author at BrandonHallGroup 32 32 225385400 Creating a Stronger Link Between HR Outcomes and Business Outcomes Thu, 15 Apr 2021 14:47:43 +0000 Creating a Stronger Link Between HR Outcomes and Business Outcomes

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More than half of all organizations have HR services that do not connect to fundamental business issues. Even more disturbing is that according to Brandon Hall Group’s research, less than 15% can draw a straight line from their HR service to overall business goals.

What Best Describes the Overall Maturity of HR Service Delivery at Your Organization?

There are many challenges to creating a more business-minded HR service-delivery model, but one of the most common is a lack of HR governance systems in most organizations. Without oversight, feedback and accountability, it is difficult to tell what progress is being made in tying common HR metrics to business KPIs — or even if those metrics should have been used in the first place.

Because HR touches every employee in an organization, the impact on any business initiative is significant if tactical HR service is not correctly aligned. Diversity and inclusion initiatives must prove their impact, rewards and recognition have to be budgeted for correctly based on their effect on business outcomes and compensation should be directly tied to how specific roles impact business outcomes. These types of everyday HR activities are mostly being done in the dark, with no true data that shows how the different processes connect.

For an organization to connect the dots between HR service and business outcomes, they must first decide what their specific business needs are. Key questions organizations should address include:

• Who is held accountable for making sure HR is aligned with business priorities?

• How will you measure the impact of HR service delivery at your organization?

• What constraints in terms of time, budget or other resources is your HR group working within?

• What is the HR service model most likely to work at your organization?

• Which lines of business stand to gain most from improved HR service delivery?

For many organizations, connecting tactical HR activities with business outcomes is something they have been working on for decades. This is because HR traditionally has been reactive, responding to internal issues, changing markets and shifting regulations. Reactive HR and tactical processes should still exist, of course, but with the advent of automated systems and improved processes, change is due.

As with any major change-management process, a plan should be created that outlines the strategy, goals and implementation of business-aligned HR activities. That business plan should have:

• Current business conditions

• Current and future needs of the business

• SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)

• Case for change

• Goals and objectives
Action plan for achieving each goal or objective
Measuring progress toward each goal or objective

• Budget

• Governance model

As mentioned in the complications section, many organizations report that either they have no HR-service governance or it’s poor and inconsistent. Tactical HR services should be reviewed and adjusted as needed to ensure policies are designed and deployed that support business outcomes rather than simply completing HR goals


Brandon Hall Group Strategy Briefs answer the critical questions learning, talent, HR and business leaders must address to manage their human capital. To tackle these critical questions in more detail, we built tools, frameworks, research summaries and business builders based on up-to-date research and case studies for you to implement best and next Human Capital Management (HCM) practices. To gain access to these valuable resources, contact

Leading minds in HCM choose Brandon Hall Group to help them build future-proof employee-development plans for the new era. For more than 27 years, we have empowered, recognized and certified excellence in organizations around the world, influencing the development of over 10,000,000 associates and executives.

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How Leaders Can Drive a Culture of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:47:21 +0000 The importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) has been growing for several years. But the movement for racial justice and coronavirus pandemic increased the importance of DE&I.

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The importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) has been growing for several years. But the movement for racial justice and coronavirus pandemic increased the importance of DE&I. More than three-quarters of organizations said DE&I gained importance because of the racial justice movement and 47% said the pandemic increased DE&I’s importance. The number of employers planning moderate or heavy investment in DE&I in 2021 jumped 59% compared to the previous year. 

DE&I is unique as a business driver because it often involves significant culture change. In many cases, increasing diversity and inclusion requires behavior change across the organization, starting with leaders. More than three-quarters of organizations give their leaders high marks on some inclusive leadership behaviors, such as caring for the well-being of others and persevering in the face of challenges. But less than 25% of organizations rate their leaders highly for more sophisticated competencies such as building trust, self-awareness, mitigating bias and collaborating inclusively. 

A lack of leadership and strategic planning for DE&I has created a disconnect between the high level of importance and the impact of DE&I on the business. For example, less than one-third of organizations address pay transparency issues by gender and race/ethnicity, have a diverse talent pipeline or a leadership group that reflects the composition of the workforce, according to Brandon Hall Group research. 

  • How can organizations do a better job creating awareness of unconscious bias and building a culture of self-awareness that empowers “unconscious inclusion?” 
  • How can organizations embed the values of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in all levels of the organization? 
  • How can organizations motivate leaders and eventually all employees to make themselves accountable for creating and sustaining a truly inclusive organization?

Inclusive leadership is intrinsic to a culture of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Leaders must demonstrate the values and behaviors they want everyone to adopt. For many organizations, becoming more inclusive requires significant change, which requires leaders who are agile, creative and emotionally centered. 

Most Important Leader Behaviors Needing Development 

Here are a few examples of applying inclusive leadership behaviors: 

Be willing to have meaningful, authentic conversations about workplace issues or social issues, including diversity. Discussing issues that employees deal with or are involved in — handled sensitively and with mutual respect — can help build a culture of transparency and bring work teams together. If this is new to you, consult your HR or DE&I professional for help and guidance and always follow organizational guidelines and protocols. 

Collaborate inclusively. Do you rely on the same subgroup to make decisions or provide input? Each person has unique strengths. People who might appear to not be the best fit for a discussion may have a different experience or viewpoint that can make a difference. 

Be comfortable — and make your team comfortable — with conflict or disagreement, as long as it is expressed constructively and professionally. 

Actively show empathy and support when employees express a different viewpoint from yours or the majority opinion. 

Complimentary Download: Bridging the Diversity and Inclusion Gap Between Intent and Reality (KnowledgeGraphic)

The events of 2020 increased the importance of D&I as a business driver but many organizations lack the leadership and accountability that come with other business priorities. Organizations whose D&I efforts are led by senior leaders are far more likely to have sophisticated, strategic approaches.

Bridging the Diversity and Inclusion Gap Between Intent and Reality

Brandon Hall Group Strategy Briefs answer the critical questions learning, talent, HR and business leaders must address to manage their human capital. To tackle these critical questions in more detail, we built tools, frameworks, research summaries and business builders based on up-to-date research and case studies for you to implement best and next Human Capital Management (HCM) practices. To gain access to these valuable resources, contact

Leading minds in HCM choose Brandon Hall Group to help them build future-proof employee-development plans for the new era. For more than 27 years, we have empowered, recognized and certified excellence in organizations around the world, influencing the development of over 10,000,000 associates and executives.

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Success Requires More than Training. It Requires Enablement In the Flow of Work Tue, 05 Jan 2021 20:57:19 +0000 Brandon Hall Group Platinum Preferred Provider Conduent recognized the limitations of a training-focused approach for improving performance. Instead, they believe strategy is all about employee enablement. Essentially, organizations need to give employees the information, knowledge and tools they require to be successful.

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There is a renewed focus on reskilling and up-skilling the workforce, no doubt made more intense by the current pandemic and work-from-home environment. Yet, organizations face the same challenges they always have; workers are too busy to dig into training programs designed to help them and training is often seen as an obstacle to getting their job done.

Brandon Hall Group Platinum Preferred Provider Conduent recognized the limitations of a training-focused approach for improving performance. Instead, they believe strategy is all about employee enablement. Essentially, organizations need to give employees the information, knowledge and tools they require to be successful. This includes communications, learning, knowledge management, policies and internal marketing. By looking at these things in a holistic way, organizations can leverage them when and where they are needed to support employees within the flow of their work. When asked in Brandon Hall Group’s Learner Perspectives Survey, the top thing learners seek from technology is access to information. Whether it is an HR policy, standard operating procedures or a quick tutorial on a new tool, workers should have access to it when — and where — they need it.

This doesn’t mean a complete abandonment of formal training experiences; rather a re-imagining of all learning experiences through the lens of how they seamlessly support employees in their jobs along with other types of communication, as needed. This requires unifying the enablement experience to allow workers to learn, adapt and interact as a systems unit. The current pandemic environment made these three items critical, since people are physically disconnected and must recalibrate how they work when faced with increasing changes and challenges, while learning new ways of working and communicating across the organization’s many functions. Additionally, the use of “gig” and contingent workers has grown, and they need even more tools to keep them connected and performing.

Organizations that adapted well to the change are creating an ecosystem of support across the business to enable their employees at their moment of need. This is achieved with a dynamic content strategy that curates and delivers what is needed, when it is needed, all in the flow of work.

For more on employee enablement, download Conduent’s eBook on the topic, Workforce Enablement: Best Practices — Training Industry. It also includes the results of a recent survey Conduent conducted on the topic.

David Wentworth, Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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