Dispatches from the HCM #Excellence15 Conference – Day Two

It’s pretty difficult these days to break the mold of your typical conference; however, I remain very impressed by the Brandon Hall Group team.  The sessions are packed, the audiences are engaged, and the presenters are doing a good job sharing the information.

Day two had me covering three sessions. The first discussed how learning has a direct impact on business transformation. The second on content creation. And my final session was on evolutionary progress in social and mobile learning.

All of the sessions were interesting, but there was an underlying theme that I started to see and I didn’t know if the conference organizers or participants caught it.  That theme was diversity.

Diversity is a subject that can be difficult to discuss in some settings, but when you’re in South Florida, it’s almost a no-brainer.  While this is a commonplace here, it’s not so common in other parts of the U.S.

I was impressed to see that several of the award winners programs actually had images of different people in their various programs and systems. It’s as if the designers wanted to echo the levels of diversity at the company in order to make the training and programs more effective. I want to think that it was done organically, but I have a sinking feeling it was done accidentally.

Another interesting point, there are several conference participants and attendees from all over the United States and the world. Singapore, Turkey, and New Zealand just to name a few.

That was great to see, even if it was “accidentally organic.”john

About the author: John Nykolaiszyn is Associate Director of FIU College of Business’ Career Management Services. As a former corporate recruiter and HR generalist for some Fortune 500 companies, he’s well versed in the world of corporate recruiting and talent acquisition. He currently recruits the companies to come recruit his talented FIU Business students.

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Ben Eubanks



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