2016 HCM Excellence Conference Day One Recap

With the first day of the 2016 HCM Excellence Conference in the books, we would like to take a moment to share some of the key takeaways from today’s activities.

excellence16-website-banner-2The primary focus for today, at least initially, was a set of in-depth Human Capital Management Academy (HCMA) workshops. These sessions are designed for HR, learning, and talent leaders to sharpen their knowledge around key HCM concepts, from technology selection and leadership development to creating the right learning environment for engagement and results.

Creating a Learning Environment Workshop

David Wentworth, Principal Learning Analyst, and I facilitated the Creating a Learning Environment: Enabling Learning Beyond the Classroom HCMA workshop. The session was a phenomenal success, and the audience seemed not only attentive, but truly engaged in the questions and activities we had planned.

Even with all of the new options for delivering training, the classroom is still the most commonly used method by a fairly wide margin. We began with an analysis of the latest data around classroom training, the 70/20/10 model, embedded learning, and how to deliver content that learners actually want to consume.

We then transitioned to an exercise where participants had to analyze a fictitious company and create a plan for how to shift the existing instructor-led training to a more blended modality, incorporating video, mobile, social, and other elements. This allowed the audience to participate and solidify the concepts and research presented in a realistic fashion.

The session wrapped up with the unveiling of MasterCard’s case study, which mirrored the business conditions the attendees focused on during the exercise. This provided an opportunity for attendees to see how a real company, when faced with the same limitations and opportunities, was able to overcome the challenges to achieve success. MasterCard’s learning team presented their award-winning case study, demonstrating how the company was able to transition from an expensive, face-to-face historical approach to a social, web-based learning program that delivered exceptional results.

General Session Analysis

The opening session at the conference was meant not as an in-depth look at any specific area, but as a holistic look at the human capital landscape as it stands today. Our senior analysts from each practice area took a few minutes each to deliver the high points as far as challenges and opportunities in each field of HCM. A few of the key statistics unveiled during this session:

  • 64% of respondents to our latest talent management study say attracting talent is their greatest challenge
  • 71% of organizations in our latest leadership development research say their leaders are not ready to lead their organizations into the future
  • Just 3 in 10 organizations plan their workforce needs based on skill and competency gap analysis
  • Our most recent research shows that 43% of organizations don’t have a learning strategy

Collectively, this can be cause for alarm, or it can be seen as an opportunity to improve existing practices and processes. Over the next two days, attendees will receive some great advice and input from the speakers and sessions of the 2016 HCM Excellence Conference. Stay tuned for more coverage!

Ben Eubanks, Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group

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Ben Eubanks