Unlock Human and Business Success with BTS

Most organizations are in some stage of business transformation, a complex process that requires a clear vision and strategy, committed and inclusive leadership, robust change management, an agile and adaptable culture, effective communication, a strong technology ecosystem, collaboration, continuous evaluation and risk management.

Addressing these challenges requires strong leadership at every level, effective communication and a focus on creating an agile and adaptable organizational culture. Large companies must establish ways to foster collaboration, streamline decision-making processes and empower employees at all levels to drive strategic implementation. Few organizations — and especially large enterprise organizations — can engineer such pervasive evolution and change without outside assistance.

How to Address Organizational Culture and Business Strategy — Start by asking yourself:

  • How do we build a culture of agility, customer-centricity and accountability?
  • How do we develop leaders who combine strong people skills with sophisticated business acumen to create an empowered workforce that can deliver business results?
  • How do we get strategy to align with the market, customer needs and employee needs?
  • How do we help employees understand and embrace how their daily work impacts business results?

Find the People Side of Strategy with BTS

Many consultancies view an organization’s culture and business strategy as separate elements. BTS stands out because they believe culture and strategy are joined at the hip and that the key to a successful strategy is the people who make it happen.

Everyone we have encountered at BTS lives that value proposition every single day. For all their many areas of expertise, BTS makes a difference for their clients because their consultants are empowered to be highly collaborative while also being willing and able to hold difficult conversations that lead clients to make the tough decisions to move the organization forward. BTS believes the answers to challenging situations lie within an organization, but that they need assistance to surface those solutions.

We also have found that consultants tend to be either technology-focused or people-focused. BTS is the rare provider that excels at technology and people in balance with one another. This unique mix allows BTS to help, for example, an organization with 30,000 people, all of whom need to learn to work differently. BTS can deliver a variety of solutions — both tech-enabled and personalized — at scale and quickly. That is a huge competitive advantage.

BTS has pioneered and excelled in the use of custom simulations to drive practical learning through organizational challenges. Consultants use interviews, observation and other personalized tools to understand clients’ culture and organizational and leadership strengths and weaknesses. They distill their findings into simulations that include decision options that depict leading practices or actions that may be doing more harm than good. BTS creates high-impact learning that can change behaviors by building recognizable situations and showing employees a new way in a real-life business situation.

BTS has built an internal culture of simulations to drive change and is now working on an approach that helps clients build a similar culture in their own organizations to accelerate the wisdom of experience through widespread practice. Through their use of AI and other innovations, BTS can build a wide range of simulations ranging from multiple days to micro-bursts that can be done in the flow of work and highly tailored to an individual’s needs. This makes BTS unique.

BTS is also experimenting with AI coaching as a supplement to live coaching that already leverages world-class technology and research to drive lasting behavioral change at all leadership levels.

The bottom line is that, based on many different levels of interaction with BTS, we have found that the company lives its “strategy made personal” marketing message. BTS offers a wide range of services they can mix and match to clients’ needs. They drive flexibility and agility through technology while driving substantive change through intensive collaboration, including everyone from the board room to assembly-line workers at a manufacturing plant.

Brandon Hall Group™ research shows that the three most important initiatives for businesses in 2023 are:

  • Increasing leaders’ ability to manage employees more holistically and inclusively
  • Improving the employee work experience while improving business results
  • Redefining the culture of work to align with the changing work environment and employment models

Suppose you want a true partner to help you deliver this scope of change. In that case, BTS is the company that has mastered the art of balancing technology and personalized service to help organizations achieve breakthrough results.

Download the BTS Solution Provider Profile

Recently we sat down with BTS, a Smartchoice® Preferred Provider to learn more about their solution, value proposition, and expertise. You can download our full report here, which includes The BTS Culture and Strategy Pyramid™, and BTS Point of View on Transformation™.

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Claude Werder



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Claude Werder

Claude J. Werder Senior Vice President and Principal Analyst, Brandon Hall Group Claude Werder runs Brandon Hall Group’s Talent Management, Leadership Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) practices. His specific areas of focus include how organizations must transform culturally and strategically to meet the needs of the emerging workforce and workplace. Claude develops insights and solutions on employee experience, leadership, coaching, talent development, assessments, culture, DE&I, and other topics to help members and clients make talent development a competitive business advantage now and in the evolving future of work. Before joining Brandon Hall Group in 2012, Claude was an HR consultant and also spent more than 25 years as an executive and people leader for media and news organizations. This included a decade as the producer of the HR Technology Conference and Expo. He helped transform it from a small event to the world’s largest HR technology conference. Claude is a judge for the global Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards and Excellence in Technology Awards, contributes to the company’s HCM certification programs, and produces the firm’s annual HCM Excellence Conference. He is also a certified executive and leadership coach. He lives in Boynton Beach, FL.